metal work

    • my first project working with metal exploring cold connection and welding steel sheet metal and tubing

  • The Claw Table, made from an up-cycled wooden crate and steel rods, has been fabricated using MIG welding. The legs and structure of the table frame the found, wooden crate to create a new piece of furniture.

  • The Stand Alone chair is a functioning prototype of a design concept of a chair that can “stand alone.” The chair was made through various processes such as: woodworking, metal fabrication, and upholstery. In progress…

crustacean lamp

The Crustacean Lamp is a project exploring steel sheet and tube bending, cold connection, and MIG welding. The shape of the lamp was inspired by aquatic creatures such as crustaceans and angler fish, which influenced the overall shape of the lamp. I was also inspired by Medieval armor displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC.

In progress…


Claw Table

Using MIG welding and up-cycling, this table was made from steel rods and a found, wooden crate.

The Stand Alone Chair

The Stand Alone chair is an original design that was developed and made through woodworking, metal fabrication, and upholstery. In taking the Designing Chairs class at Parsons School of Design, I was inspired to design and make this prototype.

inspiration and ideation

  • overall intention for the chair design through drawings and taking inspiration from the city

Sculpture that I saw when taking the train one day

Process of Making

After bending each steel tube and rod, I began piecing together the frame through the process of MIG welding and sanding. While working on the frame, I started the process of wood-bending and sanding to create the seat and back rest of the chair.

Sketches and ideas I had when making the chair.

Finished with upholstery using leather from District Leathers in NYC

Final prototype

Images taken in the stairway of the Parsons School of Design building

Stand Alone Chair
Lily Moore


